Desktop Small

with you

We’ve assembled an A-team of proven experts and operators to propel your business.

How we help

Scaling partners

We actively help you to build the right foundations, anticipate future needs and structure your business as you scale.

Thinkers and doers

An extension of your team, we provide experience, professional expertise and strategic advice to boost your business.

Contributors and community-builders

We supply you with playbooks and tools. To grow your knowledge and network, we host portfolio workshops and meetups.

Meet our Scaling Squad


recruitments for our portfolio in 2021-2022


C-Levels with transformative impact


qualified business intros

Our Scaling Squad

  • Talent Acquisition

    We source and interview  candidates to save you time and money

    We support you in building a strong and attractive employer brand

  • People Growth & Development

    We advise you on team skills and career development 

    We leverage our network of seasoned coaches to foster talent development

  • People operations

    We enable you to define internal processes with ease and structure your team as you scale 

    We advise you on employment law, employee insurance and compensation

  • Culture

    We support the evolution of your company culture and help you set-up  the rewards, practices and rituals that keep your team aligned

  • Tools

    We identify the right tools to help you manage, maximise and maintain team happiness

  • Brand

    We support you as you build a purposeful and scalable brand 

    We assist you as you deploy your brand across every touchpoint

  • Cross-channel comms

    We support and amplify your social media tactics

    We develop scalable content strategies, impactful comms, high conversion social media and high quality websites

  • Press relations

    We advise you on the development of your media strategy

  • Tools

    We provide useful contacts, templates and tool kits with advice, best practice and easy-to-implement work plans

Business Development
  • Partnerships

    We intro you to potential partners, corporates and collaborators

    We look for perks and discounts on products (CRM, Recruitment tools, analytics)

  • Business development

    We act as sparring partners to challenge your distribution channels, market approach and growth drivers

    We help you define sales processes and pricing

  • Sales success

    We help develop blueprints for high performing sales teams and targets

  • Tools

    We provide playbooks and work plans for succeeding with sales

  • Acquisition

    We define and optimise organic / paid acquisition channels, from social media to influencers and word of mouth to referral mechanics

  • International expansion

    We discuss and develop successful GTM strategies 

    We help you to plan, prepare and execute your international expansion

  • Growth engineering

    We identify strategies and tactics to optimise customer and revenue growth 

    We build defensibility through network effects or other moats

  • Exit strategies

    When the time is right, we help you look for potential buyers, or advise and guide you an IPO

  • Tools

    We provide use cases, models and data on the most relevant acquisition channels for your business. Exit expertise. 

Drop us line

What our startups say

“ Among all the investors I’ve worked with in my 20 years as an entrepreneur, Breega is probably the best fund I ever had. “

“The Scaling Squad has been instrumental in our phenomenal growth,   supporting us particularly during challenging times. It’s what you would expect from a great VC. It’s what you get with Breega”

“Breega’s  Scaling Squad was a deal maker for us. The team is an extension of our own, supporting accompanying, and helping us wherever and whenever they can”.